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It’s no secret that having a comfortable workplace is important for team member productivity. Not only do workers come in more excited and motivated when the structure of the building is nice, but they’re also able to work more effectively when their surroundings are pleasant.

How is Productivity Linked With Nature?

There are many ways that productivity is linked with nature, but one of the most notable is biophilia. Edward O. Wilson coined this term, referring to humans’ innate need to connect with nature. It’s been found that when people have access to nature, they can think more clearly and come up with better ideas.

This is likely because our brains release serotonin when humans are around plants and trees. This neurotransmitter is known for its mood-boosting effects, and it’s thought that this is why people tend to feel more relaxed and at ease when they’re in nature.

One of the hacks to increase productivity is connecting with nature. What better way to do that than by having a water feature in your office? Water features come in many different forms, from a simple water fountain to a beautiful pond or waterfall.

The Benefits of a Water Feature

There are many benefits to having a water feature in the workplace. First and foremost, it’s a great way to connect with nature. Having plants and trees in the office is wonderful, but adding a water feature takes things one step further.

Water features also have a calming effect, which can be helpful when tensions are high. They’re also known for promoting creativity and reducing stress. A study by the University of Exeter found that water features can increase productivity by 15%.

According to the Huffington Post, “research shows that being around water can reduce stress, lower blood pressure and improve heart function.” In addition, “access to nature has been linked with reduced rates of anxiety, depression, and ADHD effects.”

Clarity Ponds – Bringing “Clarity” To You and Your Team

When it comes to water features, Clarity Ponds is your best bet. Not only do we offer a wide variety of ponds, waterfalls, and fountains, but we also have over 20 years of experience in the industry.

We understand the importance of having a beautiful and functional water feature in the workplace, and we’re committed to being your go-to option when you think of “who are the best pond builders near me?”.

If you’re looking for a way to increase productivity in your office, contact Clarity Ponds today! We would be happy to help you get started on your very own water feature.


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